

Wait Construct




Verilog HDL Testbench Constructs


This is a reference of Verilog HDL constructs and commands for creating testbenches for HDL modules used in FPGA's and CPLD's.

Command Index

Event Control Contsruct

Event control is initiated by the @ symbol, followed by the sensitivity list. In a test bench, execution is suspended until one of the events in the sensitivity list occurs. This is typically used for edge transitions.

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Wait Construct

The wait statement is similar to event control. Event control is typically used for waiting for edge transitions; the wait statement is typically used for conditions that indicate level transitions.

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Timescale Directive

`timescale [time unit] / [time precision]

The Timescale directive is one of many compiler directives. Compiler directives are preceded by the backwards quote (` ), which usually shares the same key as the tilda (~) symbol on the upper left corner of the keyboard.

The timescale directive specifies the default time unit used for the simulation. In this case, it is 1ns, with a precision of 1 ps (.001ns):

`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps

When a delay is specified in the simulation, the delay is multiplied by the [time unit]:

// 20 nS delay given timescale shown above
#20 q = a & b;

So in the example above, the delay would be (20 * 1 nS), or 20 nS. The [time precision] is only important when a time delay with a decimal fraction is used. Given the following time delay:

// 20.005 nS delay given timescale shown above
#20.0053 q = a & b;

The time is rounded to 20.005 nS becouse the resolution is only to .001 nS or 1 pS.

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System Functions

The predefined system functions in Verilog are preceded by the dollar sign ($).

  • $unsigned : Convert a reg or wire data type to the unsigned type.
  • $signed : Convert a reg or wire data type to the signed type.
  • $time : Returns the simulation time as a 64 bit integer.
  • $stime : Returns the simulation time as a 32 bit integer.
  • $realtime : Returns the simulation time as a real number.
  • $timeformat(time unit, precision number, suffix string, minimum field width) : An example would be:

    $timeformat(-9, 1, "ns", 12);

    The time unit number code is associated with the actual time unit as follows:
    • 0 -> 1 S
    • -1 -> 100 mS
    • -2 -> 10 mS
    • -3 -> 1 mS
    • -4 -> 100 uS
    • -5 -> 10 uS
    • -6 -> 1 uS
    • -7 -> 100 nS
    • -8 -> 10 nS
    • -9 -> 1 nS
    • -10 -> 100 pS
    • -11 -> 10 pS
    • -12 -> 1 pS
    • -13 -> 100 fS
    • -14 -> 10 fS
    • -15 -> 1 fS
  • $finish : Terminates the simulation, and exits the simulation program.
  • $stop : Suspends the simulation, but stays in the simulation program so that the waveform can be examined.
  • $display : Similar syntax as sprintf() in C/C++. Supports %d as an integer number, and %b as a binary number. $time is often used with %d as the first field to show the simulation time. $display automatically adds a newline.
  • $write : Same as $display, but does not add a newline. A "\n" must be added if a newline is desired.
  • $strobe : Similar to $display, but is executed at the end of the current simulation time step. It helps to avoid mismatched data due to race conditions.
  • $monitor : Unlike the $display, $write, and $strobe functions, which are executed only once when they are called, the $monitor function displays text when any of its arguments change value.

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(1) Verilog Intel/Altera

(2) System Verilog

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